Monday, March 19, 2007

Considering Disability Income Insurance

From Bobbie Sage

Can you believe that according to some estimates one out of every ten persons will become permanently disabled before age 65? If you became that “one” and you could not perform your current job, what options would you have? For most people this would be a financial tragedy, and unfortunately most rely solely on Social Security, or workmen’s compensation and unemployment insurance from their employers to cover any unexpected disability. The trend of relying solely on these forms of disability income coverage is unfortunate because the maximum benefits from these sources, in most cases, is very limited and most people would have to dramatically change their lifestyle to survive on these types of disability income alone. Considering a disability income insurance policy from your insurance agent is an alternative to consider for people who realize the risk of becoming disabled and want to protect their current income and standard of living.

Disability income insurance is designed to replace one’s income when they are no longer able to work due to a disability.

There are many different elements that make up a disability income insurance policy so it is important to understand when and how one will receive the disability income if the need arises. For example, one will need to know how their policy defines and covers short and long-term disability and total disabilities. In addition, it is also important to know if there is a waiting period for the income to kick-in and how or if the income from the disability insurance policy will affect Social Security, workmen's compensation or unemployment benefits. There are also different types of policies to consider such as choosing a short or long-term policy period. Another key element to look for when choosing a policy is knowing if it covers disabilities from both accidents and illnesses. Here is a list of questions that will be important to ask and discuss with your agent when considering a disability income insurance policy:

1. What is the definition of disability in my policy?
2. How long will I receive my benefits?
3. How much will I receive? (usually a % of one’s current salary)
4. Will my benefit amount adjust for inflation?
5. Is there a waiting period before my benefits kick-in?
6. Can I get partial benefits if I can still work part-time?
7. How will my benefits affect my Social Security, workmen’s compensation, or unemployment benefits?
7. What are the exclusions of the policy?
8. Is the issuing company strong financially?
9. Can I renew my policy without doing another medical exam?

It is best to meet with a few agents to compare policies and quotes and don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions. If you are working with an agent who does not answer your questions to your understanding, it is best to find an agent who is willing to take the time to help you understand the policy in-depth. Like any insurance policy, disability income insurance has many different coverages that need to be understood and it is especially important that you know what you are getting and when, since this will be the income you and your family may be depending on in the future.

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